
Making of Bioflow animated TV Advert: Multipass 3D Rendering

This animated 3D TV advert, which was launched last weekend on Sky Sports during their coverage of the 2014 Ryder Cup, is the latest ad from Bioflow Sport Magnetic Wristbands, one of the world’s leading suppliers of magnetic wrist products.

The concept was developed in-house for Square Elephant Productions by Parag Sankhe and Martin Smith who had to surmount the challenge of creating an eye-catching advert for a traditional healing product which is used by many professional and amateur golfers, whilst still satisfying the regulations of the clearance agency Clearcast who police the industry on behalf of the commercial TV networks and who have very strict guidelines for such adverts.

We knew that we would be unable to use any images of Bioflow’s internationally famous sporting and golfing brand ambassadors, who include one of the successful European Ryder Cup winning team, Lee Westwood, and discovered that we were also unable to reference the alleged potential health benefits of magnetism.

As a result we came up with the idea of creating a short but colourful and vibrant 3D TV commercial featuring the fashionable sport wristband as it comes in a wide variety of colours.

We combined a rapidly changing and flashing colour filled background with animated Bioflow Sport Wristbands so that they would flow together to create a stunningly simple but immediately eye catching advertisement. A clear voice over and concise script helps get all the necessary information across to the audience and it effortlessly mixes with the backing music.

The advert is only 10 seconds in duration but demonstrates how you can showcase your product in a shorter time span but then book a greater number of slots so that it makes a wide impact by being seen on multiple occasions, in this case during golf coverage.

By combining bright colours and 3D technology with an upbeat voice over and backing music we were able to get the product across to the TV audience in a fun, creative and eye catching way.

10 sec Bioflow animated TV Advert

3D animation

The Animation part of the advert was created with help of two Softwares.  3D Modelling and animation in Cinema4D and motion graphics and Compositing C4D Multipass Renders in Adobe After Effects.

Each frame in Cinema4D took around 2 minutes to render, and as we had a tight deadline we decided to go for a Multipass Rendering in Cinema 4D

Multipass Rendering is the description for when you render every property of a render separately. Namely, you can have the shadows, speculars, reflections, refractions and colours in separate images. That way you can bring them all back into After Effects and create the final image (or beauty pass).

This is handy for a number of reasons and you can change the colour of, for example, the shadows and make them slightly blue or less opaque. You can even render out lights separately, which means you can change the colour or amour of a light, the background image or, as we did in this case, change the background colours.

This makes life easier in one obvious way: you can do all this without having to re-render your scene!
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Agency: Square Elephant Productions
Producer: Martin Smith, Parag Sankhe
Creative Director:Parag Sankhe
Background Music: ‎Rohan Chauhan
VoiceOver Artist: