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2D Character design for Book a Builder UK’s 1st Animated Advert

We have created  delightful few cute characters that features in Book a Builder UK’s recent animated advertisement. Book a Builder UK is a slick online resource for people looking to find and get in contact with professional tradesman in the local area, all over the UK. Book a Builder UK is set to become one of the UK’s leading online destinations for people looking to find the best tradesman in their local area.

Square Elephant Productions used simple Digital 2D drawn animation to tell the story of a Lucy whose finding it difficult to get a good tradesman, and the cat in the background is used to represent Lucy’s state of mind.

Character design can be a tricky beast to tackle, because although many of the classic characters familiar to us all through cartoons, movies and advertising look simple, that simplicity usually belies the many hours of work that have gone into their development.

Tian worked closely with director Parag Sankhe and  his assistant Dave Blissett to develop this very cute Characters.

2D Character design:

book a builder_character design_builder1book a builder_character design_MikoTheCatbook a builder_character design_Lucy2 book a builder_character design_Lucy

‪#‎design‬ ‪#‎animation‬ ‪#‎2D‬ ‪#‎Sketch‬ ‪#‎Cat‬ ‪#‎Lady‬ ‪#‎Builder‬ ‪#‎Advert‬‪#‎Commercial‬ ‪#‎London‬ ‪#‎SquareElephantProductions‬

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